
#MAGA March and “Release the Kraken”

I attended the March yesterday, always a blast to be among fellow Red Hat wearing Patriots (Hey, part of the reason Dale and I are so happy to now be in West Virginia !). Two new pages added, one on the MAGA March and another on the lawsuits and investigation proceeding ahead on the massive fraud embedded in the Dominion voting machines (the Dominion voting machines were created to help Hugo Chavez in Venezuela !).

There are now 3 pages on the voting machines – Rigged Voting Machines, Hammer and ScoreCard, and Release the Kraken.

Sidney Powell, on the President’s legal team, vows to “Release the Kraken” … the extent of the fraud is mind boggling… story of the century. I would highly recommend watching her interview with Lou Dobbs on the new page.

Take Heart Patriots, this is FAR from over.


Massive Election Fraud

The news yesterday was incredible ! Massive Election fraud in the Dominion Voting Machines…. 2.7 million votes potentially affected… I added a whole new page – Hammer and ScoreCard. Enjoy my fellow deplorable chumps !


Trump Train on its way to Washington, DC for Saturday #STOPTHESTEAL March

We LOVE our President ! EVERYONE is coming to DC !


Believe in the Power of US

After this election, and the enormous crowds for our President Trump throughout the country EVERYWHERE, including the liberal bastions DC, New York, LA, and Washington DC….. we must not let this election be stolen from us. If the Democrats get away with this massive fraud, they will do it over and over again. We will lose our country. Tonight, after talking to a dear friend who had turned off the news… because all the news is trying to encourage us to quit… I decided to pull a Donald. If he can live on 4 hours of sleep every night #DRAININGTHESWAMP for us, I can pull an all-nighter for him. I have been seeking out alternative media sources every night since the election. I have turned off FOX. I know what is going on that the media is trying to hide from you in a blatant, outrageous attempt to force a concession when NONE is merited. To my fellow deplorable chumps, HAPPY READING ! Take heart in all the REAL news the media is hiding from you. If you see good stories I have missed, please send them my way ! Yesterday was Veterans Day…. if our parents could fight WWII for us, WE can fight this war to leave our children the America we are so blessed to call home.