Rigged Voting Machines ?

Voting Machines in several states had software updates applied the night before the election. That is unheard of… it would be like applying new software to the flight control system of an airplane while it is on the runway prepping for take-off.

And the CTO (Chief Technical Office of Dominion…) wow, no Trump fan…Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online (thegatewaypundit.com)

Dominion Voting Systems: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Jenna Ellis : Dominion voting machines were flipping votes, had remote access capability

Cyber Analyst on Dominion Voting: Shocking Vulnerabilities – YouTube

Dominion Software Voting machines had a software glitch that flipped 6000 votes from Trump to Biden in Michigan

The voting software provider (Dominion) behind the “glitch” that reversed thousands of votes in Michigan to help Biden and caused “delays” in Georgia has, as their DC lobbyist, Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff.

GOP (Michigan) Candidate Declared Rightful Winner After Computer Glitch Wrongfully Said Dem Had Won


Dominion Vote System That Flipped Trump Votes To Biden Was Flagged As ‘Fragile And Error Prone’ In 2019

Whistleblowers who worked for Dominion software have come forward. The 2020 election may be compromised due to this software/ the coding or “glitch” to FLIP votes to Biden.

2018 NY Times Video: Professor Shows Students How Easy It Is to Hack a Dominion Voting Machine | Dan Bongino

CIA Cyber-Crime Expert Says Hundreds of Thousands of Votes Were Flipped to Biden in Sidney Powell Lawsuit (thedcpatriot.com)

Computer software, in general, is very prone to hacking without appropriate software and hardware encryption and safeguards.

Image may contain: screen, text that says 'CD MEDIA High Level View of Voting System, Findings There are no security standards, it's to Changes Cloud uploaded ne elections anymore Private Co.'s with Private rseanissde with.xirtunlly NO Clarity Elections, Tampa FL Owned by SCYTL, Barcelona States ENR Voting Place Counting Roles *Tabulation GCR Database "Official" Database Systems Arikkan MEDIA Election Mgmt. System "EMS" Vote VoteCo's Co's Mid-levelCo's +ES&S *Harp approx Air Gap Myth Sec. State others Smartmatic Newsmax CYBER SECURITY EXPERTS: ELECTION SYSTEM IS EXTREMELY VULNERABL NC 50° 2,736,955 TRUMP BIDEN 8:05 ET LIVE U.S. PRESIDENT 2,663,689 REP'

PBS NewsHour | Season 2020 | October 26, 2020 – PBS NewsHour full episode | PBS (Voting machine vulnerabilities)